The World Laughs With You
Imagine you are standing before a crowd. You’re totally prepared to talk but now that you’re up there, staring at…
Imagine you are standing before a crowd. You’re totally prepared to talk but now that you’re up there, staring at…
I remember when my mom taught me my ABC’s and how to make spaghetti– but now that everyone is addicted…
I hear my heart beating as if I have earphones plugged into my pulse. My body tenses up, and you’d…
What’s the recipe to own a successful business? For me it’s a mix of spirituality, and capitalism. Wind chimes, small…
What do you do when free tuition is still too expensive? I was excited when President Obama announced in the…
In my Filipino side of my family is taboo to talk about feeling sad, so I learned to hide my…
Shortly after I emancipated from Foster Care I lost my medical cal. For the last two years I’ve paid my…
When I was a freshman, I had to take and pass a health sex-ed class, but that requirement was cut…
One day, my teacher instructed us all to participate in a game where you stand in line and step up if a certain question applies to who you are, and step back if it doesn’t. The teacher said step up if you love to read. As I looked down the line of my 25 classmates, I noticed that everyone was still — like lumps.