Akemi Weaver

young woman reading a book

Standing Up For Bookworms

One day, my teacher instructed us all to participate in a game where you stand in line and step up if a certain question applies to who you are, and step back if it doesn’t. The teacher said step up if you love to read. As I looked down the line of my 25 classmates, I noticed that everyone was still — like lumps.

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A Teen Witch Welcomes Halloween

I’m a teen witch and a part of being a teen witch is performing spells on the night of the full moon. So on this night, I decided to cast a circle as protection. A circle of protection is when you call upon the four elements to come into your house and protect yourself, your room, or your whole household.

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Akemi Weaver

Local Festival Highlights Interactive Science Experiments

The Life Is Living festival is an event that happens once a year in Oakland. It promotes science, which is the root of the event, but it’s also learning, having fun and connecting with the community. I went to the event last saturday with my two sisters. My goal was to visit the STEM mini Maker Faire, and check out the other booths and their interactive experiments .

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