“Hyphiachi”: Finding Inspiration In My Bay Area Blend Of Cultures
It seemed like no matter where I was, I wasn’t either not white enough or not Mexican enough. But I found my inspiration to pull through it all in an unexpected place: music.
It seemed like no matter where I was, I wasn’t either not white enough or not Mexican enough. But I found my inspiration to pull through it all in an unexpected place: music.
A PSA describing the relationship between music and us and why we go to music for our different moods.
The one strangers see in you, the one distant friends see in you and the last one which is the rarest, realest you, only seen by close friends, family, or lovers.
Throughout the beat you can hear DMX say “uh oh” and that gave me the thought of someone having to face consequences from DMX.
Turn off the news and turn up the volume.
Some choice RapBot lyrics: “I’ll touch every curve of your favorite author/No more wasting time, you can’t roam without Caesar/Back when Gucci was the best summer ever”
I want to put out a reinterpretation of a style of music that I feel a lot of my peers haven’t yet heard.
This is a remix of Leave Your Things Behind II, originally written and produced by the underground rap duo known as the $uicideboy$.
The beat is about false love or hope. With the inspiration being based on past relationships he hopes the audience can enjoy.