Hyphy Soul Radio: Episode 3 | Return of the Youth Radio
On this fantastic Friday night, Vincent talked about the New England Patriots in his newscast. Dae Dae talked about the…
On this fantastic Friday night, Vincent talked about the New England Patriots in his newscast. Dae Dae talked about the…
I could care less about the materialistic stuff. I had it hard but I always made a way to put education in front of me.
Music was always there to rely on.
And if I don’t listen to it for a day,
I feel dead.
It’s such a sad thing,
Seems like it’s a drug,
That us human beings need.
Some can go with or without it,
But the people who need it,
Fein it like crazy,
Now that’s crazy
In jail I learned how to mix foods and make it taste good sometimes.
When I was born my father said I wasn’t his and that my mom was just trying to pin me on him. Growing up as a child I never knew whom my dad was but I always wondered whom he was and why he wasn’t in my life.
The first five months of my girlfriend’s pregnancy I flaked on all her doctor’s appointments. I was afraid of accepting the role of a parent, until I turned my fears into fuel.
A king and queen that will never be forgotten.
Music is my life. Music is in my everyday activities, music is something I love and listen to everyday.
Having a moment of embarrassment and being able to laugh it off.