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How exactly does the foster care system even work? This interactive walks you through the different stages through the eyes of a foster youth.
Emancipation: One Young Man Leaves Foster Care On His Own Terms
I used to dream of [adoption]. Having a mom and dad, siblings to play with, a dog. But when I hit twelve, I realized that I was getting old and adoption probably would never happen for me.
Being In Foster Care Made Me Stronger
All I hear is how the foster care system isn’t a safe place and that foster parents only take on kids for the money. But that’s not always the case.
A Former Foster Youth Explains “Respite Care”
Former foster youth Noel Anaya explains “respite care” — when your foster family gets a break from YOU.
Applying For Health Care As A Former Foster Youth Not So Easy
Shortly after I emancipated from Foster Care I lost my medical cal. For the last two years I’ve paid my…
Life In College After A Life In Foster Care
There’s a ticking clock always in the back of my mind. I need to graduate and become financially independent before the support I get from the foster care system disappears.
Benefits For Former Foster Youth Need Attention
Shortly after I emancipated from foster care, I lost my MediCal. For the past two years, I’ve paid my medical expenses out of pocket. But I didn’t actually need to.
College Loans Harder To Get For Foster Youth
In short, if a parent is not available as a co-signer, there is no obvious alternative.
When Home Feels Like Prison: My Year In A Group Home
The moment I stepped into a group home when I was 12, I felt like it was a mistake. There I was, with about a dozen other teen boys. On my very first day, I got into a fight during a basketball game.