Analyze This: Opening Up To My Therapist Mom
Confiding in my mom was like discovering a completely neglected resource that had just been waiting for me this whole time.
Confiding in my mom was like discovering a completely neglected resource that had just been waiting for me this whole time.
I hope one day people can overcome their prejudices and accept dreadlocks as a cultural statement.
All my life, people have treated my twin sister and I as two halves of a whole. And as I get ready for college, I’m worried that I’ll never be seen as an individual.
Like most kids raised in the projects, my goal is to get out. But it’s not that easy.
When you’re like me, a teen with anxiety, it’s a good idea to try to avoid your stressors.
As a first time voter, I worry that if my friends don’t see the connection between voting and their own problems, they’ll vote randomly or not vote at all.
When you are texting, you can roll your eyes and have all the attitude you want, because no one can see you. But what happens when you’re not behind a screen?