Redefining The Word Friendship
Now that I have been through many friendships with the same ending, I don’t even want new friends anymore.
Now that I have been through many friendships with the same ending, I don’t even want new friends anymore.
Youth Radio’s Joshua Clayton doesn’t have a high opinion of the police. In fact if he was robbed — he wouldn’t even call them. Clayton, 20, grew up in Oakland, Calif., and thought these problems were specific to Oakland. Until he spoke with Kasiem Walters, 18, who lives in New York City. Walters has advocated for ending the Stop-and-Frisk policy that a federal judged recently ruled unconstitutional.
“If you have an adult in your life mentoring you… you’re more likely to graduate.” -Yariset Rodriguez
My dad was skeptical about letting me attend this school because he knew that I had no friends there with me. But he allowed me go to this school anyway after lots of convincing.
I didn’t even know the meaning of the word flunk, I showed up at a 5th grade class and they told me I was still in the 4th grade.
When the Bred 11s were going to be released, a friend of mine in class made sure her phone ringer was on so she could hear if a shoe store would call her back about having the winning ticket to buy the new pair of Jordans. She didn’t care if her loud ringtone would interrupt class, nor if she stepped out the class to answer the call while the teacher was giving a lecture.
I moved to Oakland five months ago. I came from a place called Watsonville, which is 20 to 30 minutes away from Santa Cruz. These two places are only one hour away but they seem to be two different worlds.
As I approach the third flight of stairs at my high school, I have to pause just to catch my breath. It’s embarrassing. That’s why I’m making my resolution to exercise in the New Year.