My Teacher Gave Me A Second Chance, And It Changed My Life
When the police came, my teacher got in the police car with me. At the station, I heard her tell my mom, “I’m not gonna let them take him away from you.” I was in third grade.
When the police came, my teacher got in the police car with me. At the station, I heard her tell my mom, “I’m not gonna let them take him away from you.” I was in third grade.
This school year, I transferred to a continuation school to make up some credits. I thought the teachers would be more supportive since they had fewer students.
I have attention difficulties, so it’s easy to assume that taking classes online would be challenging for me. And it does present a new set of distractions.
Some 30 percent of adolescents in California report experiencing depression or related feelings, such as anger, anxiety or guilt, according to As with Morimoto’s friend, many of these young people turn to their peers first for help.
I was 16 years old when I found out that I had been diagnosed with high-functioning autism. Immediately, my heart…
The Department of Education, together with the Department of Justice, released a letter jam-packed with guidance about how states and school districts can make sure that their discipline policies do not violate civil rights laws.
My AP U.S. History teacher had my class debate who should have been punished for the deaths of Taino Native…
. These images are great incentives. But let’s hope that the same energy goes into supporting teachers in the classroom once they do make the choice to teach.
I remember the first student I ever suspended. He was 13 years old. It started off as a minimal disruption. He was stealing pencils from other students at his table. That turned into breaking pencils. Then, stealing homework.
I’ve been out of the classroom for three years now, and for the past year, I’ve been following teachers, students and school districts, trying to understand the latest research on school suspension and its effects down the line.