YR Raw

YRaw offers the inside (and lightly edited) scoop from Youth Radio’s training programs. In the introductory training, high school students produce a weekly radio show on YR Raw. Tune in Friday nights at 6:15pm by clicking the “Listen Live” button below. In the intermediate training, students specialize in one media concentration (journalism, music or multimedia). Here is where you can check-out all of the work they produce!

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(Andrew Magill )

The Price Tag on Success

In our society, success is usually associated with those who fit America’s conventional mold of the “successful” individual: educated, respected, and financially comfortable. Though there are exceptions to this template, the common American citizen’s definition of success depends to some degree on money. I interviewed a handful of Oakland citizens about their perception of the price tag on success.

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What is Your Dream?

What is your biggest dream? How will you achieve it? Find out what other people had to say about their most powerful aspirations and think about what you want to do in the near future.

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This Is Awkward via Flickr

Not Seeking Your Validation

When our culture tolerates men who harass women on the street, it reinforces the idea that they have the right to do or say whatever they please to a woman’s body. Although something like a catcall may seem harmless, it contributes to the larger, very serious issue of sexual assault.

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