New Bill Hopes To Put Warning Labels On Sugary Drinks
By: Mark Smeltzer/ Access Sacramento Sugary drinks like soda have long been linked to a myriad of health issues. Diabetes…
Your source for youth perspectives on health topics and policies.
By: Mark Smeltzer/ Access Sacramento Sugary drinks like soda have long been linked to a myriad of health issues. Diabetes…
Imagine you are standing before a crowd. You’re totally prepared to talk but now that you’re up there, staring at…
The FDA has approved a daily pill called Pre-Exposure Prophalaxis, or PrEP, which can reduce the risk of HIV infection by 86%. It’s the first and only treatment of its kind, but the Centers for Disease Control recommends caution when prescribing PrEP to adolescents. They’re waiting for final results from medical trials on young people being conducted in cities across the country.
How does gun violence affect you and your community? How can young people help to reduce the threat of gun violence? How should we educate kids about the possibility of gun violence without causing them to live in fear?
Young people increasingly see gender as not just limited to male and female. But the torchbearers of gender fluidity aren’t just celebrities or politicians, but kids. But schools are still catching up with the needs of gender nonconforming students.
The world of Maya Escobar has been shaped by something commonplace to families like hers in Oakland — gunshots. In this animated video, Maya explores a traumatic event in her childhood and the fear that remains.
Leelah Alcorn is the high school student/artist in Ohio who committed suicide in December and was transgender. When I heard…
What’s the recipe to own a successful business? For me it’s a mix of spirituality, and capitalism. Wind chimes, small…
Do you think teens today are more narcissistic than previous generations? What is the difference between narcissism and believing in yourself? Given the expectations that come along with social media, is what people used to think of as narcissism just a necessary part of everyday life for today’s teens?