
(Margret O'Neil)

Bullying Commentary

Bullying is something most of us have been apart of, whether it was being the victim or the bully. Bullying happens everywhere especially on social media. It recently happened to someone that I know and love dearly.

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(Andrew Moore)

I Am African

I aspired to be white, to have the beautiful skin and to be seen as an angel because after all, there were no dark colors in heaven. From fourth to seventh grade I denied being African. I denied my mother because of her thick African accent. I denied my family for their darker skin tones. All except my older brother, letting kids believe he was my father, and I was his daughter. I thought maybe his light skinned complexion would cause kids to believe that maybe, just maybe not all Africans were dark and ugly.

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510 Radio: Episode 4

Today on 510 Radio we have our fourth episode! We had three unique playlists from DJ Cali,DJ Big shooter, DJ Lil…

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