Want To Help People Like Me With Pre-Existing Conditions? Sign Up For Healthcare
I want my peers to realize that what keeps health care affordable for people like me is for those with fewer medical needs to sign up for insurance.
I want my peers to realize that what keeps health care affordable for people like me is for those with fewer medical needs to sign up for insurance.
Meet Risa Padilla, 18, from Oakland. Risa has asthma, severe allergies, and a rare condition called AMPS (amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome). AMPS is an abnormal pain reflex. Even a mild pain signal can be extremely painful.
Lopezis just one of the 1.6 million undocumented residents in California struggling to find the means to pay for medical treatment when illness and injury unexpectedly strike.
While my friends are trying to decide between movies and a house party on Friday night, I’m weighing a completely different option in my head. Should I even risk going out?
For anyone looking for the Reader’s Digest version of the new law, Bill Sokol, a Bay Area benefits attorney, lays out what every Californian needs to know about the Affordable Care Act
Many people in South Kern, especially young people, have not heard of the Affordable Care Act.