
Photo: lili810 via Flickr

Swag VS. Education

When the Bred 11s were going to be released, a friend of mine in class made sure her phone ringer was on so she could hear if a shoe store would call her back about having the winning ticket to buy the new pair of Jordans. She didn’t care if her loud ringtone would interrupt class, nor if she stepped out the class to answer the call while the teacher was giving a lecture.

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Schools In L.A. Ban “Willful Defiance” Suspensions

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) made headlines this week by prohibiting schools from suspending students for “willful defiance.”

If you aren’t following every twist and turn of the debate in Calif. over school discipline, you might be thinking, what’s the big deal? After all, we’re talking about one tiny line-item in the CA education code.

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(Photo Credit: Benjamin Chun)

Cheating In The Digital Age

My parents always tell me that when it comes to school, I have it a lot easier than they did. When they entered college in the 80s, the encyclopedia was still the go-to source for academic information, and your only tools in the classroom were a notebook, pen, and an open mind. This, to me, is unimaginable. Today’s educational technology makes it a lot easier to learn, and a lot easier to cut corners.

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(Photo Credit: KT King)

Labeled And Lost: A Teacher’s Reflection

I once spent a week in a special ed classroom as a student. I loved it because I was finally in a class with my best friend (who had been labeled special ed because his English wasn’t perfect yet.)

Even he said, “You don’t belong here.” He was right. It was a clerical error, and administrators soon realized they needed to move me, and before I knew it I was back in classes full of students I had been around for my whole academic career. Nap time was over.

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(Kate Ter Haar)

How Should We Grade Our Schools?

California is in the process of revising its school accountability system. Schools are traditionally measured by a number rating called the Academic Performance Index (API). Currently, the API is determined solely by state standardized test scores. Now, the California Department of Education is changing that formula.

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(Photo Credit: kPluto)

Bullying At An Art School

Being bullied used to be all I knew. Now, my voice is the new ruler of my kingdom.

I’ve switched to five different school to get away from bullying since the third grade. I thought a performing arts school would be different, and that I would make friends that have the same goal as me, to be a professional music artist.

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