Student Content


‘The Darkness’ Doesn’t Scare Me

The Darkness is about a family who takes a trip to the Grand Canyon and the son Michael takes these cursed Native American rocks that happens to be cursed from a cave home. Something followed the family home and strange events starts to occur. Michael begins doing very unusual things.

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(Keith Allison)

The Key is Football

Growing up with my brother going in and out of jail and me not having my dad, football showed me teamwork and how to work hard at everything I do. One coach named Solemn didn’t care if we won or lost he only care about if we as a team.

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(Greg Sucharew)

Younger Siblings Get it Worse

Being the youngest can be tough. Sometimes you get way more rules than your other siblings. Like this one time, I was about to go to a party with my 2 older sisters but at the last minute my mom told me I couldn’t go because she didn’t want me to get in fights or get arrested.

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(Torben Hansen)

Teenage Marijuana Abuse

Marijuana is the one of the 1st substance that Teenagers in the United States try. Many teens do not consider marijuana to be a harmful drug. Some believe marijuana cannot be harmful because it is “natural.” But not all natural plants are good for you—take tobacco, for example.

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