YR Raw

YRaw offers the inside (and lightly edited) scoop from Youth Radio’s training programs. In the introductory training, high school students produce a weekly radio show on YR Raw. Tune in Friday nights at 6:15pm by clicking the “Listen Live” button below. In the intermediate training, students specialize in one media concentration (journalism, music or multimedia). Here is where you can check-out all of the work they produce!

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laffy4k via Flickr

Achievement Gap

I’ve heard from the students themselves reasons as to why learning is difficult for them to engage in from the students themselves and one reason is that teachers don’t care whether they pass their class or not. Many of these students believe that it’s a teachers negative attitude and stereotypic judgment that’s denying them the motivation to learn, attend class or even apply any effort into their schoolwork.

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Racism Still Alive

Racism has been around for centuries now. It goes as far back as the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. In the sixteenth century Spain when Jews who had converted to Christianity and their descendants became victim of a pattern of discrimination and exclusion.

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My Ripstik

Unlike normal skateboards that go backward when you are going up a hill, a Ripstik can go uphill if you have the leg power to push yourself up.

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