Lessons Learned From A Box Of Raisins
By Bianca Pulido/ South Kern Sol Have you ever been a teenager working in the fields turning grapes into raisins…
By Bianca Pulido/ South Kern Sol Have you ever been a teenager working in the fields turning grapes into raisins…
For young Bostonians, Wednesday’s guilty verdict against 21-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev can bring up mixed feelings. Youth Radio teamed up with the young folks at ZUMIX Radio in Boston to ask local youths what they think justice looks like in the wake of the Boston Bombing verdict.
The other morning I asked my friend Amanda Mae Meyncke, a writer here in Los Angeles, to explain an app…
Youth Radio brought together young people, community leaders and representatives from police departments throughout the East Bay for a candid discussion about building trust and safety in our communities.
By: Coachella Unincorporated Editor’s Note: Earlier this year, California Senator Ed Hernandez introduced the Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (STAKE) Act…
Would you consider earning a high school equivalency certification instead of a high school diploma? What, if anything, does the high school experience offers versus the potential “shortcut” of a GED? How well does high school fit your learning needs?
The AP Style leaves no room for doubt: journalist reporting on transgender individuals must use those people’s preferred pronouns in…
Growing up as an only child, my friends always told me how lucky I was. “My bratty brother won’t stop…
When I turned 18, I gave myself a birthday gift. I became a high school dropout. I went to a…