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I started singing around my house when I was in first grade. After a while my mother started taking notice of my singing and said I had to sign up for my school’s talent show but It was to late In the year to sign up. By the time I reached second grade I had a chance to sign up but like most people I procrastinated and waited to the last day to get my paper. I brought the permission slip home and had to have my neighbor sign it because my mother and father were at work.
For the talent show that year I sang Michael Jackson’s “Man In The Mirror.” I remember performing it and my teacher was crying. When I stepped off stage she said “my performance brought her to tears.” After that year I performed in every talent show there was in my school and I even got the nickname of Michael Jackson because he wrote most of the songs I sang. It was and is always hard for me to step on stage because I have a little bit of stage fright, even if I have performed there before.
During my junior high career I performed in all there talent shows. Towards the middle of my eighth grade year I started seeing a vocal coach. She was able to expand the variety of music I could sing. I started performing at the Alameda County Fair for a competition and won second place my first time there. When I came back the following year I won a Double-Grand Champion which means I received a perfect score or higher from the judges.
For me my inspiration to start singing was Michael Jackson but now I look up to Beyonce, Sia, and Adele. Singing has been my dream since I was in the second grade and I have never lost sight of my dream. I strive for my dream every day and every time I step on that stage I make sure when I leave that they remember who I am. I hope one day if I keep trying I can be discovered and live my dream with billions of fans but for now my family is my number one fan.