Choosing The Right College

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collegeBy Breana

My junior year is coming to an end and I will be a senior this fall.There’s so much to get prepared for and college is one of them. With my grades not really being where I want them to be I have already made the decision to go to a community college after fully graduating from high school. So many of my friends have been pressuring me to still apply to a 4 year college, but why should I settle for a 4 year college that doesn’t necessarily interest me just because it’s a 4 year?

People keep telling me not to give up. For some reason most people around me don’t see community college as an actual college but something less of value. A lot of people have been criticizing me because of my decision saying that going to a community college is not a good way to go, which is starting to make me feel a certain type of way. It makes me feel as if I’m not smart enough to even get into a 4 year or even capable of it. I know when the time comes and I have to hear where my friends have gotten accepted to I’ll be completely happy for them but at the same time I will be a little disappointed, only because it seems like going to a 4 year and experiencing the full life of college is the way to go.

Going to a 4 year you get to experience the dorms, fraternities, moving away from home, and with a community college you don’t really get the opportunity to have all of that. But for me, in my opinion I see community college as the best way to go. At first I had my doubts about it but there are also some benefits from choosing to start at a community college. With a community college you get the opportunity to have a smaller classroom of students which gives you a better opportunity to get to know your professors, as well ass getting your own apartment. The cost of going to a community college first is also extremely less expensive.

I just wish I could have more support in everything I do, especially with this decision. With people always comparing, judging, and doubting my decisions doesn’t give me a lot of strength and a good attitude to achieving my goals. With my decision to go to a community college hopefully I can prove everyone wrong.

This commentary originally aired on Youth Radio Raw’s Core Show.

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