Are you an unemployed youth?
why does youth unemployment matter to you? And this is what they had to say.
why does youth unemployment matter to you? And this is what they had to say.
On November 21 at 4pm Youth Radio’s New Options Project Youth Advisors (NOPYA) hosted in Youth Radio’s third and final online live chat about youth unemployment.
A white girl with a purple Mohawk and tattooed sleeves applied to work at Forever 21, the chances of her getting it is better than the chances of a black girl with her grandmas name tattooed on her wrist and red hair.
With kids’ online and offline lives becoming one, it appears that harassment could happen every day, and all day. There is no logging off.
Despite the heavy media attention paid to cyberbullying as of late, according to a poll given to dozens young people across California, physical bullying remains a lot more common than cyberbullying.
Teen employment in the U.S. is near historic lows, yet companies report jobs going unfilled because they can’t find qualified workers. So how do we solve the problem?