gun violence

(Tony Webster)

Gun Violence in The Bay Area

The current laws against firearms are that you must have a concealed permit in order to obtain a gun, this law is definitely uncontrollable nowadays. Every time you watch the news, there’s someone getting shot here, someone getting shot there.

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Courtesy of Elisha Black

Charleston Teen Reflects On Racism In The Spotlight

Growing up a black teen in the south, dealing with racism was a regular part of life. Like the time an older white lady told me I was the second funniest black person she knew. Uh, thanks. Or the day a white kid at my school called me over to his lunch table and asked if I sold weed. No, I said. Why would you think that? Well, because you’re black, he said.

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Bullet In The Bedroom

The world of Maya Escobar has been shaped by something commonplace to families like hers in Oakland — gunshots. In this animated video, Maya explores a traumatic event in her childhood and the fear that remains.

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