Escape Games: The Latest Piece of the Classroom Puzzle
Escape rooms are all the rage, and some savvy educators are using them to unlock student’s learning potential.
Escape rooms are all the rage, and some savvy educators are using them to unlock student’s learning potential.
While students who’ve experienced sexual assault are relying on Title IX, the Trump administration may pull back some protections.
It was the first time I had ever heard that word. I didn’t know how to react. I had many questions. Should I be upset? Could I call the white student the n-word too? Who invented this word? Do adults use the word?
It seems like everyone is talking about how more women need to go into technical careers. For a while I considered studying computer science. But I found myself craving something more tangible.
From the heart of Downtown Oakland to the shores of Hong Kong: Youth Radio brings a message about Computational…
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with student loan payments.” ― Abigail Adams
I look at my parents, who never went to college, and how they live paycheck to paycheck. It’s not the future I want for myself. But without financial aid, I may not have a choice.
Meet Risa Padilla, 18, from Oakland. Risa has asthma, severe allergies, and a rare condition called AMPS (amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome). AMPS is an abnormal pain reflex. Even a mild pain signal can be extremely painful.
The deadline to accept your financial aid package is May 1st. So you need this, like, NOW.