Educational Inequality
My name is Soraya Shockley and for my entire primary education, I went to an alternative, independent, nonsectarian private school.…
My name is Soraya Shockley and for my entire primary education, I went to an alternative, independent, nonsectarian private school.…
Would you consider earning a high school equivalency certification instead of a high school diploma? What, if anything, does the high school experience offers versus the potential “shortcut” of a GED? How well does high school fit your learning needs?
Would you consider earning a high school equivalency certification instead of a high school diploma? What, if anything, does the high school experience offers versus the potential “shortcut” of a GED? How well does high school fit your learning needs?
Want to win your next (or first) hackathon? Check out these seven tips and three activities to help you and your students build their pitching skills, confidence and communication for STEM success.
When I turned 18, I gave myself a birthday gift. I became a high school dropout. I went to a…
Young people increasingly see gender as not just limited to male and female. But the torchbearers of gender fluidity aren’t just celebrities or politicians, but kids. But schools are still catching up with the needs of gender nonconforming students.
The transition from public school to home school wasn’t as bad as it seems.
81% of teenagers use some kind of social media and with 67% of those users using social media daily, we are led to question whether social media is having a positive or negative overall impact on people’s lives.
There was a time that I lost all interest ever built up in my life.