climate change

Would You Date a Trump Supporter?

What are your deal breakers? Could you be with someone who doesn’t recycle? On Valentine’s Day, our teen journalists share the traits they couldn’t tolerate in a significant other.


Climate Change Forum Brings Together California Lawmakers and Youth

On a gray and rainy Monday near Oakland’s Lake Merritt, hundreds of people gathered at the The California Climate Leadership Forum to discuss climate initiatives statewide. The event hosted a large number of speakers on the issue of climate change, including California’s Governor Jerry Brown and the President of the University of California, Janet Napolitano.

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Science Class Gets A Makeover: More Practice, Evolution, Climate Change

A group of twenty six states, including California, released new K-12 science education standards this week, called The Next Generation Science Standards.

Two big takeaways include: tackling controversial issues to “combat widespread scientific ignorance,” and emphasizing scientific and engineering practices (instead of just skills) — like planning and carrying out investigations, and engaging in argument from evidence.

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