Robyn Gee

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Schools In L.A. Ban “Willful Defiance” Suspensions

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) made headlines this week by prohibiting schools from suspending students for “willful defiance.”

If you aren’t following every twist and turn of the debate in Calif. over school discipline, you might be thinking, what’s the big deal? After all, we’re talking about one tiny line-item in the CA education code.

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(Kate Ter Haar)

How Should We Grade Our Schools?

California is in the process of revising its school accountability system. Schools are traditionally measured by a number rating called the Academic Performance Index (API). Currently, the API is determined solely by state standardized test scores. Now, the California Department of Education is changing that formula.

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Science Class Gets A Makeover: More Practice, Evolution, Climate Change

A group of twenty six states, including California, released new K-12 science education standards this week, called The Next Generation Science Standards.

Two big takeaways include: tackling controversial issues to “combat widespread scientific ignorance,” and emphasizing scientific and engineering practices (instead of just skills) — like planning and carrying out investigations, and engaging in argument from evidence.

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Young People Put A Human Face On Data

Big data. Everyone has a slightly different definition of this new buzzword.

Rick Smolan, former photographer for National Geographic and TIME Magazine and the author of The Human Face of Big Data, defined the term for us like this:

“When you take several different sources for information and you overlap them and you look for patterns in the data… It’s a little bit like watching the planet develop a nervous system. …All of us walking around with our smartphones, we’ve become human sensors. So we’re all feeding data back into this growing mass of databases, and the ability to collect data, process it, visualize it and react to it in real time is something the human race has never had before.”

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