Is Your Halloween Costume Racist?
When young adults hunt for a last-minute Halloween costume, it’s often hard to walk the line between cool and offensive. After all, there’s quite a bit of “offensive” out there.
When young adults hunt for a last-minute Halloween costume, it’s often hard to walk the line between cool and offensive. After all, there’s quite a bit of “offensive” out there.
Students have to be at risk of dropping out of high school to land a job at Southwire. It’s all part of a program called “12 For Life.” Southwire created it in 2007, together with the local County school system, to try and improve the dropout rate and improve the lives of teens like Deriek Foster.
Seventeen-year-old Andrew is filling out a job application for a Jamba Juice in Oakland, Calif. He’s making his way through the basics, filling out his name and contact information. However, question five posed a challenge. It was a yes or no checkbox which read, “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?”