For One Cellist, Pop Beats Classical
Whenever I play Bach at the BART station, I get thrown a few dollars. But as soon as I start playing Adele, the money starts to roll in.
Whenever I play Bach at the BART station, I get thrown a few dollars. But as soon as I start playing Adele, the money starts to roll in.
I get decent grades, but my poor study habits made success in AP Chemistry impossible. The only way I could graduate was to pass summer school, somewhere I never thought I’d be.
I grew up trying to be strong; physically and mentally — from boxing with my brothers, to internalizing painful situations. Caring for others in a deep way can be frightening, but it’s a fear that I wish to overcome.
You can find try-hards anywhere. Have you ever seen someone spiking a ping pong, and the other person barely knows how to play? That person spiking the ball is being a try hard.
My mother was shaking,and crying with her face in her hands. But even though she was in a state of complete disbelief that night– come morning, she was back to cooking our meals, and carrying on with her motherly duties.
Even though I won’t be borrowing money until the fall, I already feel its weight crushing me.
The academic year came to a close last week for Oakland public schools. When classes begin in the fall, the district will have new policies limiting police activity in schools. Youth Radio’s Joi Smith commentator applauds the change.
If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready, that’s why I believe getting dressed is the most important part of the day.
It seemed like my peers equated feeling good about themselves to the amount of money they spent on dresses, limos and corsages.