Here and Now

Brett Myers/Youth Radio

For The Love Of Cello

A study published this month in The Journal of Neuroscience looks at free music programs aimed at at-risk kids, and finds that studying music improves performance in the human brain. Youth Radio’s Scott Lau went through a similar program, and is now a freshman at USC studying music business and the cello. Lau contributed his story about how playing the cello has changed him.

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What Does Positive Discipline Look Like?

With the Federal government setting new guidelines that discourage zero-tolerance policies, schools are using all kinds of new systems when kids misbehave. One approach gaining traction across the country is called PBIS – Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support.

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Dear NSA

Is the National Security Agency spying on me? That’s what Youth Radio commentator Madeline Veira has been wondering since the NSA admitted to gathering a range data about Americans.

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