#MeToo Stories Happen in High Schools Too — This Quiz Shows How Yours Should Help

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With the hashtag #MeToo, people are starting to call out the pervasive culture of sexual violence, and to hold institutions accountable.

Let’s not forget, teens can experience sexual harassment at the place they’re required to go everyday: high school.

Your school has responsibilities when it comes to investigating and preventing sexual harassment and violence. Not only is it the right thing to do, it’s also the law: Title IX, to be exact. But how are students supposed to figure out if their schools are complying with the law?

That’s why we created No Excuses. It’s a quiz students (and parents) can use to figure out if their schools’ policies are what they should be.

Use No Excuses to see how your school measures up on Title IX sexual harassment protections.  

Youth Radio’s been investigating school sexual harassment policy for the past year, with a focus on how students are driving change in their communities and nationwide.

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