YR Raw

YRaw offers the inside (and lightly edited) scoop from Youth Radio’s training programs. In the introductory training, high school students produce a weekly radio show on YR Raw. Tune in Friday nights at 6:15pm by clicking the “Listen Live” button below. In the intermediate training, students specialize in one media concentration (journalism, music or multimedia). Here is where you can check-out all of the work they produce!

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V-Day or Pay Day?

Many people all over the world celebrate Valentine’s Day but is the holiday based on having love for a significant other or how much money a person spends on you to express their love for you?

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Racial Separation Still in Schools?

When living in the progressive, liberal bay area, we tend to think that racial segregation is irrelevant to us. However, recently it has become apparent to me that at my school, there is definitely a sense of internalized segregation within the student body.

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(Wolfgang Sterneck)

Fame High Movie Review

This movie follows four teenagers with their social life, school life and at home life. They all had sacrificed so much of their time to be perfect, while they struggled and grew phenomenally.

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My Life

When I was 13, my parents got divorced. Before that, my family and my life made sense. School was easy, I wasn’t reserved and I talked to people.

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