Truth: A Documentary
A documentary produced by 18 year old Alexandria Rice, explores the commercial sexual exploitation of children also known as CSEC by providing an outlet for survivors to participate in the healing process.
Your source for youth perspectives on juvenile justice issues and trends.
A documentary produced by 18 year old Alexandria Rice, explores the commercial sexual exploitation of children also known as CSEC by providing an outlet for survivors to participate in the healing process.
Growing up as a young, black male in America is not easy. Sometimes it feels like I’m walking on eggshells…
PICTURE THIS: A courtroom taken over by youth filling important roles — like the bailiff, clerks, and lawyers — except…
This video highlights the voices of African American young men growing up in Oakland, California, whose lives are touched by many of the issues raised by My Brother’s Keeper.
Over the course of 14 months, Dr. Monique Morris took a close look at the educational experiences of confined black girls in the California Bay Area juvenile system. Youth Radio’s Darelle Brown interviewed Dr. Morris about her findings.
A recent study shows, that more African Americans have been arrested by the age of 23, than any other race.…
Sitting on the steps in front of his apartment, 14-year-old Trevor Watson — the same kid from the after-school group at Castlemont — says the popping sounds of gunfire sometimes keep him up at night.
To deal with it, he tries to ignore it.
From the George Zimmerman verdict to the ins and outs of sealing a juvenile record, Youth Radio’s Juvenile Justice desk was hard at work this year.
Oakland recently denied a youth curfew for the third time. Oakland City Councilmember Noel Gallo’s proposal suggested that kids not be allowed on the streets between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. everyday and 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on school days.