Truth: A Documentary
A documentary produced by 18 year old Alexandria Rice, explores the commercial sexual exploitation of children also known as CSEC by providing an outlet for survivors to participate in the healing process.
Your source for youth perspectives on trends, policies and innovation in education.
A documentary produced by 18 year old Alexandria Rice, explores the commercial sexual exploitation of children also known as CSEC by providing an outlet for survivors to participate in the healing process.
For most people, riding a bike is a way to squeeze in some exercise, a favorite pastime or a form of transportation. But for Xela de la X, a single mother, riding is freedom.
Growing up as a young, black male in America is not easy. Sometimes it feels like I’m walking on eggshells…
I’m a woman, and I love being a woman. Doesn’t that make me a feminist? Not quite.
Youth Radio’s Bianca Brooks was one of the panelists and the only youth reporter at the table at last night’s…
The U.S. Department of Education recently released its 2011 – 2012 Civil Rights Data Collection numbers. The information includes data about enrollment in AP classes, participation in the SAT / ACT, and suspension and expulsion numbers — delineated by race, gender and disability status.
New America Media is trying to explore the diverse culture of Muslim youth. For those of you in the Bay…
My cousin joined the military, and my uncles were so proud of him. But when I said that I wanted…
Education is kind of like baseball. The schools with more funding sit in box seats, with a great view of the game. My school’s in the bleachers.